Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mental Health and violent acts in America

This is the US mental health link mentioned in connection with the shootings in Tucson: NMHA.

The proposed DSM-5 manual for mental health professionals is found in wikipedia here. Note the change from the DSM-IV Roman numeral to arabic numeral 5 in the acronym.

A Slate article reports the six dimensions for DSM-V diagnoses as negative emotionality, introversion, antagonism, disinhibition, compulsivity, and schizotypy.  Intent to do harm to a public figure not of ones personal acquaintance was not statistically useful in their current approach - let alone murderous intent without cause.  The model of 'disinhibition', 'antagonism' and 'compulsivity' is not consistent with 'intent', planning and 'action' in any obvious way because the view is fundamentally one of learning, behavior and physiology.  Even foolish and simplistic political notions have no obvious place in this psychiatric approach in which language and cognition are secondary to behavior patterns and neurotransmitters.  Anti-social behavior becomes a set of high numbers on some 5 or 6 of these dimensions.

But someone in the White House thinks that these diagnoses can be used to root out possible whistle-blowing traitors who are more interested in others (foreigners) than the American State - and that official's delusions we would call what on our own dimensions for the stupidity of fools with official titles and official bulletins?  Talk about 'family secrets' ... and the US government seems to have so many on so many levels.  Maybe if unnamed US Senators were not blocking so many appointments, a few of these nutters would be reigned in and better heads prevail.


 Do you use psychiatrist and sociologist to measure:
    Relative happiness as a means to gauge trustworthiness?
    Despondence and grumpiness as a means to gauge waning trustworthiness


Question: sociology and individual loyalty assessment - let's look for that science for 'identifying whistle-blowers before they leak'.  Perhaps in some old speeches of a Senator Joe?

Note it is not about 'how' or 'should' but 'do'.  "Do you ask your employees if they discuss wrong-headed policies in which we persist despite no good science or results?"

BBC link.

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