Sunday, November 7, 2010

Pharo Smalltalk for Seaside on Windows, Mac and Linux

James Robertson of Cincom has a Pharo Smalltalk introduction on YouTube.

If you know JavaScript and ruby but never learned to work in a Smalltalk environment, this video is just one of a starter series called "Smalltalk For You".

And if you are taken with Pharo, you an go to their pages at or start with Smalltalk Television.

Both Cincom Smalltalk and Pharo have taken to Seaside for Smalltalk.

The Pharo Smalltalk branch of Squeak Smalltalk requires itself to support the Seaside web development framework while focusing on Traits as an abstraction mechanism for programming to interfaces without deep inheritance subclassing.  With the advent of the Roar multi-core VM for Squeak Smalltalk, this should be an alternative to Scala.

For daily Smalltalk podcasts on Cincom Smalltalk and their variant development using the Seaside framework, see Cincom Smalltalk on Web Velocity.

For an alternative using Seaside, see Sea Breeze: YouTube has these links.

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