Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Broch and Hölderlin

I am looking for a scholarly reference that ties Friedrich Hölderlin's sketch for a poem starting »Wie Meeresküsten« to Hermann Broch's great prose work »Der Tod des Virgils«.  If you are aware of one, please post a note or drop me a line.

If you have installed the MIT Curl plugin for your web browser, then you can see my notes at

What I note there is the verb »schifft« which, while it occurs in English, renders translation difficult - as today we ship parcels and sailors ship off to sea but a vessel is not easily said to "ship" but rather "sails" or "courses" or "plies" or "plows" - but there is a hint of more: Schifflein is the weaver's shuttle.

I will build a page to berth the opening paragraph of the Broch alongside Hölderlin's mere sketch and pay across some lines with links.

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