Saturday, November 24, 2012

Variation auf kein Thema

1.13  »Die Tatsachen im logischen Raum sind die Welt.«

Durs Gruenbein S. 49 of Falten und Fallen

see: Wittgenstein and the propellor (Manchester ?)

Newton's pebble

Falten See : Melville, "Clarel" 'rose'

LW the rose versus the petals ;Melville and gender, desire

life after Tract. L-P.

Fallen : The world is all that is the case. »Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.«

Unfall : see S. 48  The case of man.  The case of a man. The cases of men. In the case of man. In case of accident,

Ambulance and Unfall : the opening of Musil, The man without Qualities.

Two men at sea : Melville, The author of The Aeneid. – "Virgil, quick come see …"
Melville as mystic. Peraonal history and fiction. Posthumous fame.

1 comment:

KanjiRecog said...

The 2006 Norton Critical Edition of "The Confidence-Man"