Friday, November 30, 2012

Asus 900A EeePC with Puppy linux on SDHC

Getting a suitable linux for my old Asus Eee PC 900A netbook has been a bit of a trial.

Chromium OS was a LOCK-N-FREEZE disaster. Android was only marginally better. There is no straight Ubuntu that is not quirky and a wifi nightmare. And there is the worry that some update to ACPI settings will leave the fan disabled and the Intel Atom CPU toasted.

Today I finally have what MAY be workable: Puppy linux for Eee PC. I have one basic version on the SSD and a version with some add-ins on an SDHC chip.

 Two web pages were essential :

From the latter, I install the drivers (the first and then the group-of-4.) Click DOWNLOAD but don't download when prompted : opt to open in the default package installer. You will have to start with an ethernet cable and use the simple connection tool once the drivers are in place for wifi.

The default browser is SeaMonkey, so on the expendable SDHC chip I have installed Chromium. Firefox is also available as a package already listed for download in the pakage manager. So far, so good ...

Saturday, November 24, 2012

glade moonglade

The Dirge to Herman Melville's Clarel has "moon-glade" ?

Variation auf kein Thema

1.13  »Die Tatsachen im logischen Raum sind die Welt.«

Durs Gruenbein S. 49 of Falten und Fallen

see: Wittgenstein and the propellor (Manchester ?)

Newton's pebble

Falten See : Melville, "Clarel" 'rose'

LW the rose versus the petals ;Melville and gender, desire

life after Tract. L-P.

Fallen : The world is all that is the case. »Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.«

Unfall : see S. 48  The case of man.  The case of a man. The cases of men. In the case of man. In case of accident,

Ambulance and Unfall : the opening of Musil, The man without Qualities.

Two men at sea : Melville, The author of The Aeneid. – "Virgil, quick come see …"
Melville as mystic. Peraonal history and fiction. Posthumous fame.