Thursday, March 18, 2010

Democracy in the Gulf: Bush Vindicated?

Democracy in the gulf - would that be Iran or Iraq?

The first great triumph of the Dulles CIA had been the over-throw of the elected government in Iran and the installation of the Shah as autocrat  (Operation Ajax - at which time Bush Sr. was only an occasional CIA "business" asset with regards to Mexico and Cuba), a victory leading us to deal with the fundamentalist revolution which ensued (Carter's failure there led to Reagan and then the Bush league.)

The last great triumph of the Tenet CIA was simply a failure to be heard as Cheney was confidently nudging the US into a war in Iraq ( although no Iraqi or Iraqi agent had attacked the USA and no Al Qaeda terrorists were based there.)

No need to mention the "outing" of Valerie Plame, which will just as likely be "vindicated" if the USA ever invades Nigeria.

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