Monday, December 21, 2009

strongtalk Smalltalk: a new release

There is a new release of the strongtalk variant of Smalltalk at

The story behind the Strongtalk team, Sun, Self, Netscape and Javascript is somewhat painful.

But thanks to the work of David Griswold we have a new Windows executable, a Mac OSX executable and easy builds on linux with gcc.

If you know anything about Smalltalk (or even the Tcl IDE bult in XOTcl) you will want to see the visionary strongtalk browser (especially if you have seen live code edits in Seaside web pages.)

Work also progresses on Self, the Sun LivelyKernel and Clean Slate Smalltalk.  Likely we are just plain lucky that Self and strongtalk escaped into open-source before Oracle acquired Sun.

Other recent Smalltalk notables: Cincom Web Velocity, Squeak Pharo, Iliad, Aida.
Notable Smalltalk-and-Actor inspired innovation: Io, the language.

1 comment:

KanjiRecog said...

I was remiss in not noting the recent self release: