Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Jetty file server refresher

Jetty HTTP server has left MortBay for Eclipse and since version 9.1 there are some things that I needed to know when I looked to take a little Jetty refresher.

Over at jetty you will see this important note:

Demo Base

Since release 9.1.0, the jetty distribution does not deploy any demo web applications, so to see a more interesting demonstration of the server you need to run from the demo-base directory as follows:
> cd $JETTY_HOME/demo-base/
> java -jar ../start.jar  
Pointing a browser at http://localhost:8080, will now show a welcome page and several demo/test web applications.
What that meant in my case on Win7 when running cmd from my own jetty install directory 
cd demo-base
java -jar ../start.jar
which then gave me the full Jetty demo at

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