Monday, September 28, 2009

Nemerle in Visual Studio 2008 Shell

A couple of years ago I was quite impressed with the ease of adding Haskell to one of the Visual Studio IDE's.  Then I learned that the free 2008 Shell could be used for F#.  Today I have learned that Nemerle will pop itself into that shell by just running its MSI.

Only two things went wrong: the Shell defaults to creating projects up in "Documents and Settings" but kept failing when initiating a Windows desktop project.  So I stopped using the default and created a VS_Projects directory over on a dev drive under a Nemerle folder.  That popped up a simpler error where that folder was a bad path, in my case


So I hopped into ENV vars and sure enough there it was: the value for Nemerle was set to a quoted


I stripped-off the quotes and the backslash and away things ran hummingly.

This quirk may only be for an install of Nemerle on XP.

Regardless, I am looking forward to some experiments with .Net libraries and a break from Eclipse.

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