Saturday, June 20, 2009

Site-specific Browsers in Curl for sensitive content

Over at the Logiquewerks home page there are new links and pages for the topic of SSB's (site-specific browsers) implemented in Curl.

One type of browser that we are exploring is a Rich Internet Client for viewing confidential, "eyes-only", content which we call our "Eyes-Only Web Content Viewer"

At the moment there is a bare-bones demo for an Evernote SSB and a more complete prototype for an "Eyes-Only" browser with a "controller" which prevents copying or screen-snapshots unlike the "privacy" modes now in some browsers. Unlike Mozilla Prism, these Curl SSB's can be declared at the time of request of the content from the server to have whatever widgets are useful for task, such as annotating bids or signalling rejection. One use we are exploring is using the "eye-only browser" for code-reviews of proprietary code in software development - such as code developed off-shore where the ISP does not have in-house expertise to assess the vendor code.

All are intended for enterprise use in Internet Explorer only. The only requirement is the Curl RTE: no JavaScript or other plugins.

1 comment:

KanjiRecog said...

WE now have an Evernote subdomain at

We will add more there on using Thrift with Curl