Saturday, October 22, 2011

Apple iTunes desktop app

If there is a worse desktop application for a better mobile device, I cannot imagine what it is.

The first oddity today was that suddenly my PC came up as "unauthorized".  Then an entire album could not be found.  I re-authorized the PC and was told that now 2 of a possible 5 computers were authorized for my account.  What!?!  I went to look at iTunes Preferences and decided to update address and phone number.  But country was a separate entry ( we are now living in Canada.)  Bad idea.  All record of purchases went poof!

In an effort to wake up the iTunes "store", I went ahead and purchased yet another tune for 0.99$ - a nice guitar rendition of an old blues number by the late John Fahey. And there it stands: my one music purchase.

O Apple!   Must I be driven to Amazon?  Must I use an Android?  What does the "i" in "iTunes" really mean?  Indifferent?  Inexplicable?  Let me see ... a word starting with "i" meaning "doomed" ... "idiotic" ?

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